The Gokurakugai manga written and illustrated by Yato Sano will receive reprints for all of the currently published volumes. This now marks the fifth time the series has received full reprints for each of its volumes. New chapters for Gokurakugai are released every month and can be read on both the official Shonen Jump and Manga Plus apps. Chapter 20 is set to release on September 17, 2024, while Volume 4 will release on September 4, 2024.
Sano took to social media to thank everyone for the accomplishment with a new illustration:
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The series started as a one-shot titled Gokurakugai Sanban-doori no Ken published in Jump SQ in 2020. This led to the serialization of the current Gokurakugai in 2022 under Shueisha’s Jump Square magazine. Since then, the manga has released a total of 20 chapters (1-5, 5.1-19) and three volumes. The series has received four color spreads since it began serialization and was on the cover of the recent Jump SQ July 2024 issue (see below).
Gokurakugai has seen its fair share of success. The manga has over 500,000 copies in circulation as of August 1, 2024, and it placed 20th out of 50 candidates in the “Manga We Want to See Animated Poll” at Anime Japan 2024, beating series such as Tokyo Aliens and Nue’s Exorcist.
VIZ Media picked up the English license for the series and has since published the first two volumes, with Volume 3 set to release on November 19, 2024.
Manga Plus describes the story as:
Gokurakugai, a bright and bustling working class district with a hidden dark side. In this area without order, Tao and Alma work as troubleshooters for hire. Their missions involve helping a young boy find his lost friend, a person who dissapears without a trace, and disfigured animal corpses. All the while, the evil spirits who live in the shadows bring out a different side to these troubleshooters!
Source: Yuta Sano’s Official X (formerly Twitter)
GOKURAKUGAI © 2022 by Yuto Sano/SHUEISHA Inc.
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