The anime adaptation of Gintama: 3-nen Z-gumi Ginpachi-sensei (Class 3-Z’s Teacher Ginpachi) has revealed its premiere date to be in 2025, and they also showed that Prince Hata will be appearing with a character design sheet at the Jump Festa 2024 event. Studio BN Pictures will be animating the adaptation of Tomohito Osaki’s spin-off novel. The new anime is a part of the 20th-anniversary project for the series. Watch the previously revealed trailer:
The spin-off novel began serialization in 2006 in Shueisha’s Jump J Books and its final (8th) volume was released in 2018. Gintama is a manga by Hideaki Sorachi, which ran from 2003 to 2019. It was serialized in the Weekly Shonen Jump from December 2003 to September 2018, and then in Jump Giga from December 2018 to February 2019.
The Gintama series has a successful TV anime adaptation by Sunrise and later BN Pictures. It started with an OVA by Sunrise (made for Jump Festa 2006). BN Pictures took over the animation with the fourth season, titled Gintama°. In addition to the TV anime, which ran for 367 episodes and ended in 2018, the series has multiple OVAs, movies and specials. The latest installment was a movie, titled Gintama: The Very Final, which premiered in 2021.
VIZ Media licensed the manga in English as Gin Tama, and they describe the story for the first volume:
Sleazy alien moneylenders, monsters on the rampage, and a ticking time bomb may all be in a day’s work for Gin, but a drop in his blood sugar level means trouble for everyone!
Source: Official Website, Jump Festa 2024
© Hideaki Sorachi/Shueisha/TV Tokyo/Dentsu/BNP/Aniplex
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